miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

Lo seré todo si tu lo eres conmigo,

Seré el hombro en el que podrás llorar, seré un suicida del amor. Seré mejor cuando sea mayor y seré el mejor fan de tu vida. Y lo seré porqué te quiero, te quiero a mi lado día a día, te quiero a ti y a tus pequeños y bonitos defectos. Te quiero y te querré siempre.
-¿Qué puedo hacer para que me quieras?
+Cerrar los ojos muy fuerte y tener una buena imaginación.

Me encanta mirarte a los ojos y decirme que me quieres, 

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Fuck you(:

pick me

You have always been ambitious and i love that about you. Your only 20 but you have already started up your own business and it is doing so well, i couldn't be more proud to call you my boyfriend. and you know that, i helped you set it up. i came up with the name , and i did all the design and advertising for it.

i understand owning your own business , especially when your so young is stressful and you have to work a lot, i try and make it easier for you by helping out as much as i can. i make dinner for you , do your washing and clean your house when you've been too busy .. the list goes on and on.
But one thing that upsets me , is that sometimes you work when you don't have too.. Your mum calls you a workaholic , and id agree. although i didn't think it was a bad thing. Until i started feeling less and less important. and realised that in the last 6 months , Ive been finding myself up the mountain, staring at the ocean alone, our little place we used to go every week at least once and walk the dogs.

Ive told you about this, we have even had fights over it. How your work always comes first and how i always have to wait till everything is done before i even get a "hey babe how are you'. But you always say sorry and tell me you don't mean too and your gonna start leaving work related issues behind when the doors close at 5 o'clock. i always believe you, cause i love you and i want to take your word for it.

But then things like tonight happen : i ask if you would like to have dinner with me and my parents at 7. you say yes although you have a few things to do before hand but you'll be there.. great, I'm excited.

its then 7 and your not here, i call you and you say your still working and you'll be another hour, but your so sorry and you'll make it up to me.

its now 8.53 and your still not here. Me and my parents have already eaten. i go to call you to ask where the hell you are. and my mum tells me to stop nagging you, your busy and you'll come when your ready.

Why is it OK for you to always let me down and put work before me . Why doesn't everyone else see how frustrating it is to have to fight for your own boyfriends attention .

i love you , but just once i want you to forget about work and dedicate one night to me. i don't think its too much to ask.

is it?

I cant find you?

                                                                          Missing you,
Puede que sea una inútil porque te diga que no te quiero, pero te miento, eres lo mas importante para mi.


Will come true. 

Querido Diario: 
Son las 23.51 y estoy hablando con la persona que me hace feliz, no joder, no es un tio. Estaba pensando en que cuando era pequeña siempre tenia diarios sin acabar, y he encontrado uno y me he dado cuenta de algo importante, algo que puede cambiar mi vida para siempre: era muy estúpida e inocente, Siempre pensando encontrar al príncipe azul y pidiéndole a "no se quien" que hiciera mis sueños realidad. Narraba mis historias ocurridas a lo largo del día, cosas tontas, ya sabes cosas "de niñas". Y con todo esto, solo quería preguntarte una cosa: ¿por que no acababa mis diarios? ¿Por vergüenza? ¿Por algún trastorno de la niñez? ¿O quizás porque era realmente estúpida? En cualquier caso, no creas que esta entrada significa que a partir de hoy te escribiré cada día, solo quería recordar como era eso de escribir un diario. Si quieres saber algo sobre mi, alguna novedad, habla con mi amigo imaginario. Sólo te diré, que sigo igual que hace años, sin sueños, ni mierdas.
Buenas noches diario. 


Maybe f the timing had been differtent... maybe if you were different 

Maybe we´ll never know. 

Sé feliz, que nadie te estropee la vida cariño (;